Steps to Take Immediately After a Washington Car Accident

Motor vehicle accidents are often scary. They may result in injuries, pain, financial loss, and uncertainties. Our firm understands this, and we’re here to help. We’ve been helping Washington car accident victims recover compensation for their injuries for years. If you or a loved one has been inured in a Washington auto accident, please take the following steps as soon as practically possible after your accident.

Seek Medical Attention

The first priority after a car accident is your health and physical and mental well-being. Please seek treatment as soon as possible after a collision. You can receive treatment from an ER, urgent care center, or your primary care physician.

Note that many injuries don’t result in immediate symptoms or signs of an underlying medical condition. This makes it so much more important to seek medical attention following a car accident. Note as well that assistance from a medical provider will generate medical records, and these records serve as vital evidence in car accident cases.

Gather Evidence

If you remain at your car accident scene following a collision, it’s a wise idea to collect as much evidence as you can. “Evidence” includes:

  • Pictures of the accident scene,
  • Pictures of the cars involved,
  • Pictures or videos showing the weather or road conditions at the time of the incident,
  • Pictures of your injuries, and
  • Statements from any witnesses that saw the accident (or at least the names and contact information of the witnesses),

Your smart phone works great to capture pertinent images and video.

If you left the scene of your accident to secure medical care, try to return to the accident scene as soon as you can. Although time may have passed from your incident, you can still gather pictures of the area. You should also take notes of all the details you can recall about the collision.

Contact the Police

It’s usually a good idea to contact the police immediately following your accident. You can call or text 911 in cases of an emergency. Or you can call or text 311 in non-emergency accidents.

A police officer will usually soon arrive at the accident scene and begin investigating your case. The officer will collect evidence about the crash, and in time, will draft an accident report. Make sure to obtain a copy of this report for your records.

Call Your Insurance Company

Know that nearly every insurance policy has what’s called, a “Notice of Occurrence and Cooperation” clause. The clause essentially means that you agree to:

  • Tell your insurance company when you are in an accident, and
  • Cooperate with your insurance company’s accident investigation.

You’ll want to contact your insurer to ensure that you’re in compliance with this clause.

Seek Legal Advice from a Skilled WA Car Accident Attorney

Personal injury attorneys are critical to Washington car accident cases. For example, an experienced attorney can assist by:

  • Helping you seek medical attention and manage your medical care,
  • Gathering evidence in your case,
  • Hiring experts (if necessary),
  • Filing a personal injury claim with the insurance company of the driver that caused your accident,
  • Negotiating this claim with an insurance adjuster on your behalf, and
  • Filing a personal injury lawsuit to help you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

Contact the Law Office of Kevin D. Anderson Today!

Our firm has years of experience in helping victims of Washington car accidents. Let our firm shoulder the burdens of your case while you focus on your health and healing. We don’t back down to insurance companies and work tirelessly to maximize the compensation for your injuries. Contact us now and let us help!